c60 in water
the most studied and loved ingestible c60
C60 in Olive Oil isn’t the only cat on the block…
“If you think that it is only a cat then obviously you have never loved a cat.”~T.S.Eliot

Fullerenes are hollow molecules; they consist of five-membered and six-membered carbon rings. The pentagons in the molecules are surrounded by hexagons, obeying the “rule of isolated pentagons.” Along with diamond and graphite, fullerenes are another allotropic form of carbon. The main representative of fullerenes is the C60 molecule (the full name Buckminsterfullerene, which was given in honor of the architect Fuller, who used quasispheroidal hemispheres for his buildings, which have the same structure as fullerenes).
Fullerene is practically insoluble in water, acetone, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran and other polar solvents. The fact that fullerenes are hydrophobic makes it difficult to study their physiological and pharmacological properties. The introduction of a various number of functional groups into the fullerene molecule, including hydrophilic ones, leads to an increase in the solubility of new fullerene polar solvents derivatives, including water, which contributes to greater bioavailability.
One of the most promising water-soluble fullerene derivatives, from the point of view of applications in biomedicine, are fullerenols (hydroxylated fullerenes).
The most important fundamental properties of fullerenols are their antioxidant activity, they are many times more effective than the antioxidants widely used in medicine, such as vitamins C and E, and due to bioavailability, the effective dosage is much lower.
Unlike fullerenes, fullerenols are soluble in water, which makes them more promising for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations than fullerenes.
ELIXIR OF LIFE method of synthesis guarantees absolute purity and stability of the final product. It is a powerful antiviral and antifungal tool. As a “radical trap”, it can neutralize more than 20 free radicals with one
molecule. It shows 100 times greater effectiveness than all other currently known antioxidants. Preliminary fullerenol tests for toxicity did not reveal any adverse effects.
ELIXIR OF LIFE is a powerful antioxidant and has a strong antiviral effect.
Our selected methods for the synthesis and purification of fullerenol exclude the use of solvents besides distilled water. Impurities can only be fullerenol isomers different from the composition of C60(OH)24, while maintaining the integrity of the fullerene core. Fullerenol C60(OH)24 and isomers close to it (less than 0.1%) are non-toxic, respectively, the finished product is non-toxic.
We control all stages of the synthesis and analyze products from each batch.
Based on the studies, a declaration of conformity and a safety data sheet was issued.
Fullerenes and their derivatives (including fullerenol) have the following properties:
1. Not toxic, not immunogenic, not allergenic [5];
2. Increase cell membrane resistance to damaging factors [5];
3. Renders a positive effect on the antioxidant and energy systems of the body [5;6];
4. Possesses radioprotective properties due to the suppression of excessive levels of free radicals [5;7;8;9;10];
5. Possesses strong and long-term antihistamine and anti-allergic effects, that is, they are able to work as anti-inflammatory agents [11;12;13];
6. Increases adaptogenic body functions [11;12];
7. Renders a positive neuroprotective and nonspecific analgesic effect [14;15; 11.];
8. Possesses oncoprotective activity [5;16];
9. Possesses antiatherosclerotic and antihypertensive properties [17;18];
10. Possesses a wide range of antibacterial and antiviral activities [19;20;37;38];
11. Able to have an antispasmodic effect [7];
12. Possesses bronchodilator [21;22];
13. and nootropic activities [23;24.;25].
The properties of fullerenes are currently being studied by scientists worldwide in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine and other related specialties. In Russia alone, studies of the fullerene properties are conducted daily in more than a hundred educational and scientific departments.
Once in a living organism, water soluble fullerene C60 causes excess free radicals, in particular aggressive forms of oxygen (ROS) and the oxidation products of biomolecules, to self-destruct. However, it does not affect the minimum of free radicals, which is vital for the normal function of the body’s biological systems. In other words, it regulates their number and thereby gives the body the opportunity to mobilize its own protective functions to counter various diseases and slow down the aging process.
Being a hundred times more effective than all known antioxidants, it enhances the body’s ability to neutralize free radicals. It has the strongest antioxidant properties, hundreds of times higher than vitamins C and E. Naturally enhances the immune system and fills the human body with energy, rejuvenates the whole system. It protects liver and brain cells from exposure to toxins, positively affects the function of hepatocytes, the restoration of protein, lipid, enzyme metabolism, improves metabolic and redox processes in the body, reduces inflammatory and fibrosing processes in the liver, and helps restore liver cells. It slows down the aging process of the human body by reducing the rate of cytoproliferative protein accumulation (an aging factor that causes changes in brain tissue, death of
neurons, etc.) in human blood. Eliminates the excess of free radicals in the foci of inflammation and fights their negative effects on the human body. It activates the body’s own endogenous antioxidant systems and provides an
increase in metabolic potential. Increases endurance, accelerates the recovery process after physical exertion and injuries. Helps the body to fight seasonal outbreaks of colds, viral, fungal diseases. It reduces the risk of serious diseases (neurodegenerative nature, heart attacks, strokes,
the development of atherosclerosis, etc.). Fullerene derivatives with OH groups prevent ischemia (poisoning due to lack of oxygen), which is caused by a sharp increase of ROS in energy depleted tissues. [26.]
Fullerenol has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity against a number of pertinent influenza viruses, including the 2009 pandemic virus A(H1N1)v and avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, herpes, adeno- and PC viruses. At the same time, it features non-toxicity to cells of various tissue origin. 18-24 hydroxyl groups in the fullerenol molecule is optimal for the manifestation of antiviral activity. Moreover, it was fullerenol C60(OH)24 that showed a comparable, and in some cases even more pronounced virucidal effect compared to drugs such as Acyclovir and Arbidol. [37,38]
Pharmaceuticals based on Fullerenol can be used as new antiviral drugs that have good bioavailability, and due to the nonspecific mechanism of their action, do not cause the rapid emergence of virus strains resistant to it. [37,38]
Based on the available data, in connection with the studied viruses and the COVID-19 coronavirus similarity of etiology, ELIXIR OF LIFE is assumed to have a similar antiviral effect against the new coronavirus.
In vivo, experiments have shown that C60(OH)24 fullerenols have antiproliferative properties (inhibit cell multiplication) and, due to their ability to attach free radicals, prevent the cytotoxic effects from the use of doxorubicin, which is used in cancer chemotherapy. [27, 28, 29, 30, 9, 31]
Even in very low doses, fullerenol exhibits a wide range of biological effects due to the structuring of water around itself and the formation of a fullerene-water cluster with unique antioxidant activity, can act as a catalyst for self-neutralization of superoxide radicals with the help of water
molecules. [32]
NB: Further details about the mechanism and antioxidants
Antioxidants – oxidation inhibitors, natural or synthetic substances that can slow down oxidation. Considered mainly in the context of the organic compound oxidation. Antioxidants act in such a way that the process of uncontrolled, chain reaction of free radical formation, the process of lipid
cell membrane oxidation is stopped. The action mechanism of the most common antioxidants consists in breaking the reaction chains: antioxidant molecules interact with active radicals to form low activity radicals.
Oxidation also slows down in the presence of substances that destroy hydroperoxides. In this case, the rate of free radical formation decreases. Even in a small amount (0.01-0.001%), antioxidants reduce the rate of oxidation, therefore, for some period of time (the period of
inhibition, induction), oxidation products are not detected. The most famous antioxidants are: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), ß-carotene (provitamin A) and lycopene (in tomatoes). They also include polyphenols: flavin and flavonoids (often found in vegetables),
tannins (in cocoa, coffee, tea), anthocyanins (in red berries).
Among the antioxidants known to date, fullerenes, more precisely, their aqueous solutions are the most powerful, although their mechanisms of action are fundamentally different than those of conventional antioxidants.
Authors [33.] propose the following mechanism:
Fullerenol acts even in extremely small doses, and its effect even after a single dose lasts a long time, since fullerenol launches body’s own forces to fight aging, diseases, etc. Although fullerenol known to be excreted within 48 hours.
Fullerenes are superior in strength and quality to all other antioxidants. They have a different mechanism of action. If classical antioxidants are reducing agents that are consumed during the reaction, then fullerenes are catalysts for recombination, mutual destruction of free radicals. So, fullerenes as antioxidants are hundreds of times more effective than vitamins C and E. The molecule of an ordinary antioxidant is single-use. Having met a free radical, it perishes, is modified, forming with it a harmless compound. One antioxidant molecule is used to neutralize one radical. But the fullerene molecule acts differently. Free radicals can not only attack neighboring biomolecules, but also connect with each other to recombine, forming a harmless product. But for this to happen, they must meet, which at low concentrations is unlikely.
The fullerene sphere has the ability to collect free radicals on its surface, which quite firmly “stick” to it, meet on its surface and recombine, connecting with each other, but the fullerene remains by itself. “Matchmaking” free radicals with each other, fullerene accelerates their recombination by hundreds of times. Thus, fullerene works in exactly the same way as a catalytic converter of exhaust gases in a car; it “burns” free radicals on its surface without changing itself, and thereby purifies the internal environment of the body.
Therefore, even microdoses of fullerene are as effective as dozens of times larger doses of other antioxidants. [33.]
neurons, etc.) in human blood. Eliminates the excess of free radicals in the foci of inflammation and fights their negative effects on the human body. It activates the body’s own endogenous antioxidant systems and provides an
increase in metabolic potential. Increases endurance, accelerates the recovery process after physical exertion and injuries. Helps the body to fight seasonal outbreaks of colds, viral, fungal diseases. It reduces the risk of serious diseases (neurodegenerative nature, heart attacks, strokes,
the development of atherosclerosis, etc.). Fullerene derivatives with OH groups prevent ischemia (poisoning due to lack of oxygen), which is caused by a sharp increase of ROS in energy depleted tissues. [26.]
Fullerenol has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity against a number of pertinent influenza viruses, including the 2009 pandemic virus A(H1N1)v and avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, herpes, adeno- and PC viruses. At the same time, it features non-toxicity to cells of various tissue origin. 18-24 hydroxyl groups in the fullerenol molecule is optimal for the manifestation of antiviral activity. Moreover, it was fullerenol C60(OH)24 that showed a comparable, and in some cases even more pronounced virucidal effect compared to drugs such as Acyclovir and Arbidol. [37,38]
Pharmaceuticals based on Fullerenol can be used as new antiviral drugs that have good bioavailability, and due to the nonspecific mechanism of their action, do not cause the rapid emergence of virus strains resistant to it. [37,38]
There are studies that show that the aqueous complexes of fullerene C60 absorb pathogenic strains and their toxins in infectious diseases, such as acute dysentery, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis, typhoid fever, leptospirosis, hemorrhagic fevers, ornithosis. By combining toxins of microbial and endogenous origin, the drug reduces the burden on detoxification and excretion organs, eliminates diarrhea in acute intestinal diseases (rotavirus gastroenteritis, cholera, staphylococcal enterotoxin poisoning).
In allergic conditions, the therapeutic effect of the fullerenol is due to its ability to bind food allergens, histamine, serotonin, as well as circulating immune complexes and bacterial antigens, which leads to an increase in cellular and humoral immunity, an increase in the number of T lymphocytes, a decrease in eosinophils and a decrease in itching, swelling, and urticaria. It shortens the circulation time of specific antibodies and antigens of various viruses in the blood, reduces the general symptom severity of the disease.
NB: Further details about immune and allergies
Scientists introduced these modified fullerenes to the subjects in the so-called mast cells – connective tissue cells that play a large role in inflammatory processes in allergies. After that, the subjects were exposed to allergens. It turned out that the strength of the allergic reaction in subjects sharply decreased. The reason for this is a 50-fold decrease in the release of histamine (a substance that causes pathological reactions in allergies), as well as a weakening of the effects of three dozen other substances of a similar effect. According to Kepley, this is due to the binding of dissolved fullerenes to free radicals that occur during allergies.
Not so long ago, Japanese scientists reported that they found a drug against cancer based on fullerenes. At the same time, work in this direction is actively conducted in Russia. In particular, a group of scientists from Kazan and Chernogolovka report the synthesis of new derivatives of
fullerenes with pharmacophore groups. The results of many studies open the prospect of using an aqueous solution of fullerene and its derivatives as the basis for new drugs for the treatment of allergic diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune pathologies.
Laboratory, preclinical and clinical trials of water-soluble fullerene (WSF) were conducted, hundreds of positive results were published. Clinical trials of this substance in humans (in vivo) have not been carried out by us, due to the lack of need, since this substance is not a drug. However, preclinical and clinical trials in relation to an aqueous solution of fullerene were conducted under the supervision of G.V. Andrievsky, at the Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds, Kharkov. A number of studies were carried out and the effectiveness of using fullerene in the complex treatment of patients with peptic ulcer and patients with chronic hepatitis of toxic origin was evaluated. In the gastroenterological department of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital, which is the base of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3 of KhNMU, 40 patients with peptic ulcer / chronic toxic hepatitis were examined. The control group consisted of 20 healthy people (for each study separately). The results of the study showed that the biologically active additive – WSF, which passed the preclinical study, showed the absence of acute and subchronic toxicity when applied. [34, 35, 36].
The following effects were confirmed: WSF determines the intensity of cell membranes lipid peroxidation, stabilizes membranes, inhibits free radical oxidation, regulates metabolism, and increases the intensity of restoration processes in the liver.
A number of specific WSF activities in animal experiments were also identified, including antiinflammatory, anti-ulcer, regenerative, membrane-stabilizing, adaptogenic, which served as the basis for developing a new therapeutic strategy when applying traditional therapy for peptic ulcer
in combination with WSF.
There is also a number of scientific papers that describe all the effects on animals (antitumor, cardioprotective, radioprotective, etc.) [9,31], as well as a lot of reviews from biohacker enthusiasts (from all over the world) who have been voluntarily taking fullerene in various forms for several
In addition, 6 months supervised tests have been conducted on a control group of patients (volunteers) to identify certain effects from the ingestion of fullerenol solution in various concentrations. A positive effect was achieved, namely, an increase in the body’s working capacity, an improvement in memory, attention, an overall improvement in well-being, and an increase in the body’s resistance to harmful environmental influences. Monitoring of the studied parameters is being carried out. Studying and justification of one or another effect is in progress, as well as the expected publications on this topic.
Our product is designed to combat aging factors and is recommended for daily use for prophylactic purposes, as well as symptomatic (see increased dosage) during an illness or stress. Not a drug! Is meant for use as an additional part of combined therapy for the following diseases:
• Foodborne infection
• Dysentery, salmonellosis
• Viral diseases
• Enterocolitis, cholecystopancreatitis
• Dyspepsia, flatulence, the processes of decay, fermentation, hypersecretion of mucus, hydrochloric acid poisoning
• Chemical compounds and medicines (including organophosphorus and organochlorine compounds, psychotropic drugs)
• Poisoning with alkaloids, heavy metal salts
• Burn disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxemia
• Chronic renal failure
• Chronic hepatitis, acute viral hepatitis, cirrhosis,
• Allergic diathesis, atopic dermatitis, allergic gastroenteritis, toxicoderma
• Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
• Preparation for x-ray studies (to reduce gas formation)
• Decongestant effect, improves microcirculation, normalizes metabolic processes; protects cell membranes and improves capillary function, restores blood microcirculation, normalizes metabolism at the cellular level; helps improve blood flow and reduces edema by reducing blood
viscosity and vascular wall permeability. Contribute to the regeneration of cells of all body tissues, that is, cleansing of toxins, from which the cells could not get rid off earlier.
• Inflammation of the nasopharynx and respiratory system (as part of complex therapy). Has anti-inflammatory effects
• Neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.
• Problems with the digestive tract (normalizes the digestive tract)
ELIXIR OF LIFE product is directly designed to combat aging and increase immunity, as well as for people working in harmful working conditions, conditions that are prone to stress, radiation, etc. (fullerenol has radioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties)
• For healthy people / athletes. Daily for preventive purposes.
Dosage (Standard):
2 drops per 10 kg of body weight, diluted in 1 liter of drinking water. Similar doses for animals.
Consume throughout the day.
• For people with chronic health problems:
Start with quarter of the dose, then increase to a standard dose within the next 5-10 days.
• Increased (symptomatic) dosage:
4 drops per 10 kg of body weight per 250 ml of water 3 times a day. The increased dosage should be taken in a course of no more than 10 days.
In connection with each person’s individual reaction, an immune response may be observed. If there are any manifestations of an intolerance to the solution, we recommend that you stop taking it for a few days, and then start taking it gradually: take quarter the dose for the first days, and then move to full dose, in accordance with the instructions. (with high / low blood pressure – a short-term increase in pressure is possible with subsequent normalization)
For diseases of the upper respiratory tract:
3 drops (undiluted) for each nasal passage (1 time a day in the morning), according to the recommendation of ENT specialists (tests were performed on patients of the control group (runny nose, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa). A positive effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx was reported: reduction of edema, treatment of the common cold, increased effect ENT drugs).
Children are advised to take fullerenol only symptomatically.
Not recommended for pregnant.
Shake before use.
Ultra-pure drinking water, C60(OH)24.
Recommended to store in a dark place at a 0-30 C. Away from the reach of children. Due to the high
tendency of fullerenol to agglomerate, precipitation is possible. Shake before use.
FDA Disclaimer: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. The products and the information provided in this text are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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